


digital earth, big data, data-intensive science, digitalization, global changes, international relations


Digitalization in Ukraine is an echo of a similar process on a planetary scale – the global Big Data Earth initiative. For two decades, in the digital aspect, the Earth has moved into a new stage characterized by «Big Data Earth», which initiates both new challenges and new opportunities. The article provides an overview of the development of the global Big Data Earth initiative, summarizing research achievements, discussing opportunities and challenges faced within the initiative. How the data-intensive approach to scientific research within the framework of the global Big Earth Data initiative provides a new vision and methodology for the Earth sciences. The advantages of Big Earth Data in the field of global change research are identified. The tendency of digital Earth development is estimated. As an example of big data in the field of Earth science, Digital Earth has proven to be a comprehensive system for organizing, analyzing, modeling, presenting and analyzing data from the Earth system and creating knowledge from it. In two decades of development, Digital Earth has evolved from a very original vision of representing the planet with a few key technologies to a new stage in the context of big data. Digital Earth has proven to be a useful tool to help us better understand the planet we live on, as well as to help stakeholders take appropriate action to address the challenges we face. Digital Earth offers a new vision and a new methodology with notable benefits for scientists in the study of the earth system, especially in the age of big data. It is worth noting the importance of the work on this initiative by the Big Earth Data Science platform, which is working to formalize the process of information support for decision-making around the world It is important to note that research on this issue was compiled in the form of a series of data reports in support of the Sustainable Development Goals, which were presented as part of official documents on digitalization submitted to the United Nations at the 74th and 75th sessions of the General Assembly. 

Author Biographies

Sergii Babych, National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne

Candidate of Engineering (Ph.D.), Master

Lesya Tykhonchuk, National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne

Doctor of Science in Public Administration, Associate Professor




