


state regulation, sustainable development, land use, land relations, economic processes


Ukraine plays an important role in shaping international food security. Events in recent years have contributed to a decrease in the economic efficiency of the agricultural sector's development. However, due to the positive development of Ukraine's state agrarian policy, agricultural production has not only supplied the domestic market but also resulted in the export of a range of goods. The destruction of agricultural sector infrastructure, disruptions in product logistics, deterioration of land conditions, etc., are top priorities for resolution alongside the development and implementation of corresponding programs of Ukraine's state agrarian policy. During the conducted research, an increase in the level of direct and indirect losses to the agricultural sector, land resources, and forest fund due to military actions on the territory of Ukraine as of June 2023 was identified. It was determined that the cost of restoring destroyed facilities amounted to $1.32 billion. The trend of changing world prices, prices at elevators and ports in Ukraine for grain and oilseed crops during 2021–2023 was analyzed, revealing that prices for these crops on the Ukrainian market decreased by approximately 45% due to the lack of opportunity for free export. It was determined that the current state agrarian policy is aimed at reorienting the Ukrainian economy from raw material to processing, which will contribute to the development of Ukraine's economy. Based on the research results, it is noted the necessity of improving and developing Ukraine's state agrarian policy towards building interactions between processes of expanding production assortment, processing, storage, and supply of products, seeking optimal export chains, and developing the digitization of the agricultural sector based on the principles of circular economy.

Author Biographies

Victor Koval, Izmail State University of Humanities, Izmail

Ukraine plays an important role in shaping international food security. Events in recent years have contributed to a decrease in the economic efficiency of the agricultural sector's development. However, due to the positive development of Ukraine's state agrarian policy, agricultural production has not only supplied the domestic market but also resulted in the export of a range of goods. The destruction of agricultural sector infrastructure, disruptions in product logistics, deterioration of land conditions, etc., are top priorities for resolution alongside the development and implementation of corresponding programs of Ukraine's state agrarian policy. During the conducted research, an increase in the level of direct and indirect losses to the agricultural sector, land resources, and forest fund due to military actions on the territory of Ukraine as of June 2023 was identified. It was determined that the cost of restoring destroyed facilities amounted to $1.32 billion. The trend of changing world prices, prices at elevators and ports in Ukraine for grain and oilseed crops during 2021–2023 was analyzed, revealing that prices for these crops on the Ukrainian market decreased by approximately 45% due to the lack of opportunity for free export. It was determined that the current state agrarian policy is aimed at reorienting the Ukrainian economy from raw material to processing, which will contribute to the development of Ukraine's economy. Based on the research results, it is noted the necessity of improving and developing Ukraine's state agrarian policy towards building interactions between processes of expanding production assortment, processing, storage, and supply of products, seeking optimal export chains, and developing the digitization of the agricultural sector based on the principles of circular economy. 

Olha Soloviova, Izmail State University of Humanities, Izmail

Candidate in Economics (Ph.D.)

Pavlo Nesenenko, Odesa National Economic University, Odesa

Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor

Svitlana Palii, Interregional Academy of Personnel Management, Kyiv

Candidate of Science in Public Administration (Ph.D.), Associate Professor




