suspensions, solid runoff, hunting pocket, transparency, photic layer, oxygen regime of aquatic ecosystems, ichthyofaunal, successions of hydrobionts.Abstract
One of the problems of the formation of the ecological regime of reservoirs is the solid runoff of deposits from tributaries due to surface runoff and channel erosion. Together with the color, the solid runoff forms the turbidity and transparency of water, which are crucial in the processes of photosynthesis and the formation of the forage base of ichthyofauna. The second problem is the formation of the oxygen regime, which depends largely on the mass of organic impurities (dissolved organic matter), the oxidation of suspensions and bottom sediments and the respiration of fish. Each of the components consumes up to 30% of the weight of oxygen dissolved in water. If in the summer the formation of the oxygen regime is preceded by the processes of photosynthesis and oxidation, consumption of dissolved oxygen by phytomass VVR due to dark respiration, then in the winter subglacial period will be preceded by the consumption of dissolved oxygen.The productivity of the aquatic environment determines the stability of the ecosystem, which is formed by the ratio of the number of stressful situations of biotic and abiotic origin to the number of intermediate ecotones. Possessing the laws of biota life formation in the aquatic environment, it is possible to control the state of the hydroecosystem and fish productivity at the level of the biome (generalized aquatic ecosystem).The productivity of the aquatic environment determines the stability of the ecosystem as the ratio of the number of stressful situations to the number of lateral ecotones. Possessing the laws of formation of biota life in the aquatic environment, it is possible to control the state of ecosystems, their fish productivity at the level of the current situation in the generalized ecosystemReferences
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