
  • L. М. Melnyk National University of Water and Environmental Engineering
  • V. L. Duma Сommercial bank «Privatbank»
  • O. V. Yakovchuk National University of Water and Environmental Engineering



savings of the population, income of the population, investment potential, сapital investments, bank deposits.


The solution to the problem of forming internal sources of investmentis impossible without the mobilization of free monetary resources of thepopulation. Therefore, the urgent task facing the domestic economy is the accumulation of free money of the population, the development of aneffective mechanism for their transformation into an investment resource to ensure long-term lending to the manufacturing sector.The purpose of this article is to substantiate the theoretical andpractical principles of the formation of savings and their impact on theinvestment potential of the country. The article considers the theoretical and methodological aspects of the formation of the investment potential of the country, which means the process of formation and effective use of own and attracted investment resources. Internal, external and mixed sources of investment resources formation are singled out. It is determined that the savings of the population are part of the income that remains in the form of temporarily free money after the implementation of consumer spending. It is noted that savings should be considered as capital that is used to increase income in the future. The classification of savings depending on the forms (organized and unorganized) and financial instruments. Financial instruments in the organized form of savings include bank deposits, government and corporate securities, insurance policies, investment fund certificates, pension contracts.The preconditions for the formation of frugal behavior of thepopulation are analyzed and it is established that the need for investmentresources is growing in the country and there are opportunities to meet this need at the expense of domestic sources. The structure of capitalinvestments by sources of financing is investigated. It is determined that the largest share of capital investments is financed by own funds of enterprises and bank loans. The dynamics of the main bank reserves has been analyzed and the degree of security of credit funds by deposits has been determined.Proposals to improve the mechanism of population savings in order toincrease the country’s investment potential have been provided.

Author Biographies

L. М. Melnyk, National University of Water and Environmental Engineering

Candidate of Economics (Ph.D.), Associate Professor

V. L. Duma, Сommercial bank «Privatbank»

Candidate of Economics (Ph.D.), Manager

O. V. Yakovchuk, National University of Water and Environmental Engineering

Graduate Student


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