bark, caryatida, warrant, entablature, form, function, style, architecture, equality, emancipation, discriminationAbstract
The article deals with the question "the role of women in architecture," the stages and problems arising on the way to their success.In the question "women and architecture": women are seen as anobject of architectural activity (designing a medium for a woman orsolving issues of equality, emancipation, problems of discriminationby methods of architecture and the use of a female image inarchitecture) and as a subject of architectural activity (it createsarchitecture).The female image as an object of architectural activity is consideredon the example of the ionic order, statues of measles and caryatids.The role of a woman, as a subject of architectural activity, isconsidered on an example of modern architecture, in the works ofsuch prominent architects as Zaha Hadid, Karmo Pinos, Odile Deckand Kazuyo Sejima.The international experience of successful women-architects,representatives of various architectural schools British, French,Spanish and Japanese has been studied and systematized. Theproblems and challenges faced by women architects in the process of architectural activity and ways of their overcoming were investigated.The groups of problems that have a significant impact on theformation and formation of a woman-architect as a professional were revealed.It has been practically proved that in architecture, as in any profession or art, the priority is not a gender identity of a person. It has been practically proved that in architecture, as in any profession or art, the priority is not to become a person. The most important role is played by talent, professionalism and personality. Of course, creating new projects a woman brings something special in architecture, but men do the same, and it depends mainly on the purpose of the object, the landscape, the customer's desire, the character and the creative personality of the architect himself, and the least of the sexes.However, because of the bias and distorted vision of our society, it ismuch harder for women in architecture to achieve the same level ofrecognition as men. But research shows that persistent work, talentand a certain fate of a happy event yield their results, while thebuildings created by women-architects are among the best buildingsin the world.On the basis of the research it was proved that the problem of gender equality in modern architecture is relevant and significantlyinfluences the formation of a modern female architect as a specialist.References
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