iron ore, overconsolidated layer, room system, exposure size, unstable hanging wallAbstract
In the mines of the Krivoy Rog iron ore basin, when extraction of richiron ores is used, systems of development with an open clearingspace or systems with massive ore and bedding rocks, respectively, in the ratio of 45% to 55%. The majority of mines give preference tochamber systems of development with subsequent collapse of hives,thanks to high technical and economic indicators. Analyzing the results of calculations, it was found that the application of the surfacechamber system of development with a protective layer in the suspended side allows reducing ore losses, increasing the quality of theextracted ore mass from 57.91 to 59.24% and increasing profits by58.32 million UAH. Rich iron ores of Kryvyi Rih basin are mined bytraditional systems which decrease iron content in the mined rockmass by 3-10% due to hanging wall instability. After the collapse ofthe chamber stock, the ceiling and the inclined hollow in the hangingside are roused. First and foremost, the ceiling is collapsed, and thenthe sloping hollow on the clogged environment. The production ofrounded-cobblestones begins from the hanging to the lying side. According to the theory of release, the ore is moved by a continuous flowof 8-12 m in parallel to the hanging side to the outlet. After the releaseof the allowable dose of release, the release of the decomposed ceiling from the lying down to the suspending side is carried out. Use ofthe overconsolidated layer which prevents penetration of hangingwall rocks into a stope may increase iron content in the mined oremass. The article determines the width of the protection layer in thehanging wall which is able to increase indicators of ore mass miningand ensure stope stability. The ore layer of 4.5-18 m is able to ensurestope stability for the whole period of block mining. The developedlevel-room system with a protection layer enables increase of theuseful component by 1.5-2.0% and decrease of ore dilution by 5-7%and yields an economic effect of about 96.5 UAH/t from implementation of this technology.References
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