
  • O. V. Kalinichenko State Institution of Higher Education "Kryvyi Rih National University"



underground mining, room systems, backfilling, computeraided simulation, stresses, strains


Study and development of theoretical foundations of impacts ofartificial stress fields on geomechanical processes when mininguseful minerals by room systems with backfilling are proved to be acomplicated deterministic process. That is why diagnostics andaccount of force interactions and transformations of the artificialstress field and its impact on the deposit area under study wereconducted considering the stage character of the rock load. Thenumber of calculation stages is accepted to be equal to the number oftechnological cycles of mining the underground mine field. On thebasis of the accepted criteria and to obtain necessary numericalvalues, the stress-strain state of the massif was studied by stageslinked to technological cycles of mining. The given technique isidentical to the method of “successive cycles” used for analyticalinvestigations. In the study conducted, technological cycles weretreated as the process of redistribution of stresses among the rockmassif, backfill and caved waste rocks. Loads in every next stagecycle were determined considering the previous technological cycle.Stresses and strains were calculated on the basis of Аnsys 16.2.The diagonal values allowed to establish the key patterns ofdeformation at the control points of the rock massif on the surface of the surface over the clearing space of the spent blocks and on contact with the ceiling of the waste chambers of the first stage.The established correlation dependence allows us to speak about the rather significant influence of the hardening tab on the stability of the geotechnical system "mountain array-artificial array of hardening bookmarks".A relative increase in the value of maximum vertical deformations of the surface of the surface during the intensification of thedevelopment of a mine field from one to six chambers of the firststage is not more than 10-11%. In absolute values, the verticaldeformations of the surface of the surface do not exceed 9-10 mm.Such quantities are permissible and do not significantly affect thestress-deformed state of a structurally heterogeneous array.

Author Biography

O. V. Kalinichenko, State Institution of Higher Education "Kryvyi Rih National University"

Candidate of Economics (Ph.D.), Associate Professor


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