salinization, chemical melioration, phosphogypsum, effect, economic efficiencyAbstract
Irrigation is a major method for the intensification of agriculturalproduction. Irrigation loses its influence in conditions of soil salinityirrigation soils, where the average yield is reduced by 20-40%.Chemical melioration leads increases of crop yields with parallelimprovement of physicochemical properties and soil fertility, whichmakes it possible to obtain high yields with conditions of irrigationsalinization for the production of necessary products for thepopulation, effective economic development of the country andreproduction of the main resource potential: soils. In our experiments, when the phosphogypsum was introduced as a chemical reclamation element, the yield of crops increased with increasing of the norm introduction.Irrigation, as well as without him, received the greatest revenues with introduction of phosphogypsum in autumn under basic tillage at the norm of 6 t/ha – 1539 grn. on 1 ha at reintroduction ofphosphogypsum in the first year of the aftereffect. Irrigation increases the intensification of farming, but, as our studies have shown, not on salinizated soils. With Irrigation the crop productivity of spring barley increased by 5.9 centners per ha, corn for grain – by 15.4 centners per ha compared to unirrigated control. The introduction of phosphogypsum from irrigation increased the crop productivity of winter wheat to 47.8-52.0 centners per ha (increase of 4-7% compared to control). The crop productivity of spring barley under irrigated conditions during chemical melioration by phosphogypsum increased from 32.9 centners per ha at the control to 36.9 centners per ha when the phosphogypsum was introduced in autumn under the basic soil tillage at a norm of 6 t/ha (increase by 10.8%). Whereas in unirrigated variants winter wheat crop productivity values with chemical melioration variably differ from each other (observation in 2012 and 2013), with irrigation these indexes are somewhat smoothed by better dissolving of remanufactured remnants and assimilation of nutrient elements by plants.Most economic efficiency of using phosphogypsum observed withnorm of 3 t/ha under cultivation in the spring while without irrigation the best results were with introduction the phosphogypsum in autumn under the basic tillage of soil at the norm of 6 t/ha.References
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