
  • O. V. Нarashchenko National University of Water and Environmental Engineering
  • V. I. Нarashchenko National University of Water and Environmental Engineering
  • A. P. Safonyk National University of Water and Environmental Engineering
  • L. V. Solіak National University of Water and Environmental Engineering




ferromagnetic nozzle, magnetic filter, deposition, induction of magnetic field


For the purification of liquid media from ferromagnetic impurities, it isproposed to use electromagnetic filter-precipitators with tangentialferromagnetic cores which adjacent of its poles lateral surface to thecylindrical surfaces of the filter body. The results of researches on thedistribution of magnetic field induction in a cylindrical body filled witha ferromagnetic nozzle on the height of the body at different bodydiameters are presented. The poles of the cores of the electromagnetswith the face surface are close to the surface of the cylindrical body.On the basis of the principle of superposition of magnetic fields andgraphical dependences, distances between the cores of adjacentelectromagnets at different body diameters were established. Thediameters of the cores of electromagnets at different values of fieldtension and body diameters were calculated. The researchesestablished the character of the magnetic field induction distributionin a ferromagnetic nozzle holded in a cylindrical body, to whichelectromagnetic poles are placed on opposite sides. Measurementsshows that when electromagnets shifted by 162 mm from each otherin the nozzle there are areas in which the induction is practicallyunchanged. This allows to place the adjacent electromagnets at such adistance that, along the axis of the body, the ferromagnetic nozzlezones will have the same magnetization. This distance is 440-450 mm.Depending on the required length of the filter nozzle electromagnetsmay be several. It is proposed to install the poles of theelectromagnets with the special recesses adjacent to the side surfaceof the filer body, which allows to increase the surface area of theelectromagnets. This reduces the number of zones in the volume offerromagnetic nozzle with a minimum value of field induction. Thisallows, by means of the superposition principle, to establish a rationalplacement of the electromagnets along the height of the filter body, inwhich the filter nozzle is magnetized uniformly. Based on theresearch, the design of the electromagnetic filter using tangentialelectromagnets placed in the perpendicular planes with filter body isproposed. The proposed technical solution allows to create the sameconditions for all height of ferromagnetic nozzle for efficientdeposition of magnetic impurities.

Author Biographies

O. V. Нarashchenko, National University of Water and Environmental Engineering

Candidate of Engineering (Ph.D.)

V. I. Нarashchenko, National University of Water and Environmental Engineering

Candidate of Engineering (Ph.D.), Associate Professor

A. P. Safonyk, National University of Water and Environmental Engineering

Doctor of Engineering, Professor

L. V. Solіak, National University of Water and Environmental Engineering

Senior Lecturer


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