
  • A. Dzhoshi National University of Water and Environmental Engineering




distributed applications, error correction codes


In this work, the information theory and coding review was done aswell as analysis of the modern error correction codes data storageapplication. Distributed data storage implementation based on errorcorrection codes was done.Advantages of Reed-Solomon's extended codes in practicalimplementations in coding systems are using adjustment with bytestructure of computer data. Possible use of Reed-Solomon codes in cascade codes as external cascade codes is described.The possibility of using Reed-Solomon codes for data storing indistributed systems is described. The principles of solving theproblem of checksum values calculation are given in such a way thatin case of loss of any given storage devices number, it would bepossible to recover data from devices that continue working. Thebasic algorithms for solving this problem are considered, thealgorithm of coding and algorithm of system recovery after loss ofstorage devices is described.The methods of parity checking for the case of one checksum deviceand the Reed-Solomon encoding method for RAID systems for thenumber of checksum devices greater than one are described.There are also two main implementations of Reed-Solomon encodingin RAID systems: the RAID controller and the distributed control pointsystem, the specifics of their implementation, the principles ofchoosing a specific implementation depending on external conditionsand system requirements.

Author Biography

A. Dzhoshi, National University of Water and Environmental Engineering

Post-graduate Student


Regulation of the European parliament and of the council of on the protection natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation), 2016.

James S. Plank. A tutorial on ReedSolomon Coding for Fault-Tolerance in RAID-like systems. Knoxville: University of Tennessee. 2007. 19 с.

Бессалов А. В. Основи теорії інформації та кодування. Київ : НТУУ «КПІ», 2011. 270 с.


Regulation of the European parliament and of the council of on the protection natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation), 2016.

James S. Plank. A tutorial on Reed-Solomon Coding for Fault-Tolerance in RAID-like systems. Knoxville: University of Tennessee. 2007. 19 s.

Bessalov A. V. Osnovy teorii informatsii ta koduvannia. Kyiv : NTUU «KPI», 2011. 270 s.




