
  • A. Ya. Bomba National University of Water and Environmental Engineering
  • S. V. Baranovskуi Rivne State University for Humanities



dynamic processes, singularly perturbed dynamic system


Small spatial changes of dynamic processes are proposed that betaken into account by diffusion perturbations of the correspondingdegenerate dynamical systems. Asymptotic development of thesolution of the corresponding singularly perturbed problem in thegeneral case is constructed. The results of numerical experimentscharacterizing the effect of diffusion perturbations on degeneratedynamic systems with a constant intensity of flow of individuals into the environment, as well as in cases where demographic components of the process are described by the models of Malthus, Verhulst, and Ollie, are presented. The obtained solutions of typical model problems of population dynamics with diffusion components and the results of numerical experiments (including computer estimates of the residual terms) show that asymptotic methods for solving the corresponding singularly perturbed problems are very effective in cases where the diffusion components are small in comparison with other componentsof the process. The results of numerical experiments confirm that ifthe initial condition is sufficiently smooth for the rational consideration of small diffusion perturbations, it suffices to add one or two terms of the regular part of the corresponding asymptotic series to the solution of the degenerate problem. In this "inaccuracies" are localized only in the area of abrupt changes or discontinuities of the functions that determine the initial distribution of populations.

Author Biographies

A. Ya. Bomba, National University of Water and Environmental Engineering

Doctor of Engineering, Professor

S. V. Baranovskуi, Rivne State University for Humanities

Candidate of Engineering (Ph.D.), Associate Professor


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