stormwater drainage, infiltration basin, water drainage, air drainageAbstract
This article describes the effectiveness of using one of the methods ofregulating stormwater when it is connected to the rainwater drainagenetwork. This is the implementation of infiltration basin with gravelloading and vegetation top layer. They allow to accumulate aconsiderable part of a stormwater reducing expenses which come tothe collector. The advantage of infiltration basins is the treatmening ofstormwater by the main quality indicators. For infiltration basins withgravel loading and a typical vegetation top layer, the process ofremoving air from the loading is essential. The calculation of drainagefor air removal is defined by the required areas of the collecting ductsand their sizes (diameters), which are determined by the estimated airflow rates. Therefore, the design scheme takes into account not onlythe drainage of rainwater drainage, but also the removal of air fromthe load. The method of engineering calculations of the mainparameters of infiltration basins depending on the conditions of theirlocation in urban areas is proposed. It is established that the height ofthe crushed stone loading layer is determined by the conditions ofconnection of the infiltration basin to the rainwater drainage network,the areas of the basin itself and its entrance windows. An example of engineering calculations for determining the main parameters ofinfiltration basins is given.References
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Low impact development stormwater management planning and design guide. Toronto and region conservation for the Livind city. Version 1.0. 2010. URL: (data zvernennia 26.05.2019). 18. Newman, A. P., Coupe and Robinson, K. 2006a. Pollution Retention and Biodegradation within Permeable Pavements. In: Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Concrete Block Paving. November 6-8, 2006. San Francisco. California.
Olexander Tkachuk, Yana Yaruta, Olha Shevchuk, Anna Azizova.
Theoretical Bases of the Compatible Work of the Constraction of Stormwater Drainage Systems in the Regulation of Stormwater Runoff. International Journal of Engineering & Technology. 2018, 7 (4.8). P. 432–439.
Smith, R and W. Hunt. 2007. Pollutant removals in bioretention cells with grass cover. Proceedings 2nd National Low Impact Development Conference. Wilmington, NC. March 13-15, 2007.
Stormwater Management Guidebook. District Department of the Environment. District of Columbia. July 2013. URL: https://doee.dc.govsites/default/files/dc/sites/ddoe/page_content/attachme nts/FinalGuidebook_changes%20accepted_Chapters%201-
_07_29_2013_compressed.pdf. (data zvernennia 26.05.2019).
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Stormwater management. Drainage Criteria and Design Manual. URL:
(data zvernennia 26.05.2019).
Tkachuk O., Yaruta Ya., Shevchuk O., Studies of filling, flooding and emptying processes of infiltration basins. Bulletin of Odessa State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture. Collection of scientific works. Odessa, 2019. № 75. P. 115–124.
Weitman D., Weinberg A., Goo R. Reducing Stormwater Costs through LID Strategies and Practices. Low Impact Development for Urban Ecosystem and Habitat Protection. American Society of Civil Engineers. Washington, 2008. P. 1–10.