cone filter, flushing flute, screw flow formers, waste removal, ensuring flute rotationAbstract
The article deals with the design of a conical filter for preliminarymechanical purification of water, which is located inside the pressurepipeline of a pumping station of steam turbine units. Filters forcirculating pumps must ensure reliable ball cleaning and maintainminimum hydraulic resistance, and periodically flush the taperedfilter nets. Flushing should be performed on the go without switchingand without stopping.The characteristics of cone filters are given.The calculation of the processes of internal and external flushing ofthe mesh filter and ensuring the permissible speed of rotation of theflushing flute was performed. As a result of the calculations, the basicgeometrical and hydraulic parameters of the device were determined.The advantages of cone filters include the fact that no more than 1 ...5% of water is consumed from the pipeline for flushing. The effectiverotational speed of the valve flushing device is 4 to 15 revolutions perminute for different concentrations of water contamination bymechanical particles. Total hydraulic losses on the structure rangefrom 0.2 to 0.4 m for different operating modes, which is severaltimes less than the similar hydraulic losses on traditional designs ofwater treatment facilities, in particular, water treatment cartridges.Given the above, and the fact that the use of cone filters eliminates theneed for manual cleaning of filters (which takes an average of 10 ...15% of working time), we can speak about the economic feasibility ofusing a conical design. The advantages of cone filters should alsoinclude their small material capacity, the possibility of modularmanufacturing for placement at pumping stations, differentproductivity.Currently, enough experience has been gained in the design andconstructions of mechanical water treatment devices of various types,but the experience of their effective operation is clearly not enough.References
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