
  • M. M. Tkachuk National University of Water and Environmental Engineering
  • R. M. Tkachuk National University of Water and Environmental Engineering
  • A. A. Biletskyi National University of Water and Environmental Engineering




water regulation, improvement of water regulation, drainage-modular systems, multilevel regulating drains, drained lands


The article discusses water regulation by drainage-modular systemswith different levels connecting control drains on drained lands,shows the diagrams of their design parameters. The research resultsand methods for calculating the parameters of these systems arepresented. A new solution to the scientific and technical problem issubstantiated, which consists in improving the design and improvingthe technology of water regulation of drained lands based on acombination of self-regulation and accumulation of water by installinga drainage-modular system with different levels of connection ofhydraulically coupled control drains. Design and technical andtechnological parameters of such drainage-modular systems (regimeof groundwater levels, depth of drainage, distance between them,drainage flow modules, moisture accumulation), their interaction andimpact on the effectiveness of water regulation have beentheoretically substantiated theoretically and investigated inlaboratory and field conditions. The regularities of the formation ofdrainage flow and water regime of soils depending on the parametersof the drainage-modular system are investigated. It has beenestablished that the necessary drainage intensity during the sowingperiod and during floods can be provided by a drainage-modularsystem with hydraulically connected regulating drains, while animportant condition for designing a drainage-modular system is thathydraulically connected regulating drains that are arranged side byside must be laid on different the depths which ensures the bestefficiency of their work under different modes of ground feeding,while deep drainage is more effective when connected to shallow anddeep collectors at the same time. It has been established that,compared with traditional irrigation and drainage systems, drainagemodular systems during the growing season, with an increase in thedifference between drains, accumulate groundwater within deep andshallow drains. The generally accepted methods and mathematicalmodels have been improved that describe the movement of water in the ground for calculating the main parameters (laying depth, distanceand difference between drains) of VHI with different levelhydraulically connected regulating drains. The technology for theconstruction of VHI with hydraulically coupled different levels ofregulating drains has been improved, which can significantlyaccelerate the pace of the construction of the regulatory network,reduce the complexity of work and the cost of construction. It is shownthat this development in terms of technological and environmentalefficiency occupies an intermediate place between traditionalpreventive and humidification locks and is the best in terms ofeconomic efficiency and investment attractiveness.

Author Biographies

M. M. Tkachuk, National University of Water and Environmental Engineering

Doctor of Engineering, Professor

R. M. Tkachuk, National University of Water and Environmental Engineering

Candidate of Engineering (Ph.D.)

A. A. Biletskyi, National University of Water and Environmental Engineering

Candidate of Engineering (Ph.D.), Associate Professor


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