system optimization, technological and design parameters, polder systemAbstract
The article substantiates the necessity and discusses possibleapproaches to system optimization of technological and poldersystems (PS) design parameters on the basis of system approach and system analysis with its integral components - the optimizationmethod and complex objects modeling and systems. The mostadvanced are polder type drainage systems with mechanical lifting.Such systems are better in operative regulation of the water regimeand ecology than the gravity-flowing.The main disadvantage of PS is the high cost of construction andusage.The future of technical improvement of drainage systems is the future of systems with mechanical lifting. We don't have alternative to the polder drainage during the periodic flooding. The polder systems are complex natural-technical ecological and economic systems.Therefore, finding the overall optimum in such a system is determined on the basis of system optimization. It is to find the optimal parameter values for the main components of the water control elements (pumping station, main channel, drop-gate sluice, drainage etc.) and operating modes (pump, water delivery etc.); the main factors that affect the effectiveness of water management (climate, relief, cultivation of crops, soils, soil and reclamation differences, schemes and technologies of water management etc.). The optimal pumping modules for different pump structures of the polder system, which includes a pumping station, a contour channel and a siphon with distribution of estimated costs, are determined. Economicallyoptimized technological and design solutions for the object. It is environmentally for the given conditions, because the weighted average value of the drainage module within the system and the design term of its functioning.It is proved that the application of system optimization at the stage of operation or reconstruction of the existing PS allows to substantiate its technological and structural parameters in the creation and operation of water management and reclamation facilities on ecological and economic bases in changing climatic conditions.References
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Anatoliy Rokochinskiy, Pavlo Volk, Oleg Pinchuk, Vasyl Turcheniuk, Nadiia Frolenkova, Ievgenii Gerasimov. Forecasted estimation of the efficiency of agricultural drainage on drained lands. Journal of Water and Land Development. Volume 40. Issue 1. 2019. P. 149–153. DOI: URL: (data zvernennia: 15.04.2019).