geogrid uniaxial, biaxial and triaxial, geogrid reinforcement of structures made of ground materials, retaining walls, seismic effects, full-scale testsAbstract
Modern geosynthetics have great opportunities for solving manyproblems in the transport sectors, construction, hydraulic engineering construction, reconstruction and facilities operation. The main application areas for geosynthetics matirials are roads construction, drainage structures, reinforcement soil structures, protective structures, waterproofing structures and erosion control protection.There are about 380-400 different types of the geosynthetic materials in the world today and emergence of the new materials is so fast that it is mostly ahead all information about them. The wide application of the geosynthetic materials for biulding construction is caused by their high physical and mechanical properties such as durability, resistance to influence of climatic and hydrological factors, durability and mainly ecological safety. The geosynthetic materials have 40-120 years of durability, if they have not serious damage. The article considers the using of geosynthetic materials, which are include geotextiles, geogrids, geomembranes, geocomposites and which are used for various types of construction. Special attention is paid for geogrids, the peculiarities of their work and their use as reinforcing elements for soil retaining structures in various areas of the economy, the efficiency and durability of their work, including work in seismic regions. The main purpose of using geogrids is to increase the strength and reliability of the structure, its performance, especially in seismic conditions. The calculations of reinforced structures from the soil, which are performed in two stages: stage 1 includes the calculation of the total (external) stability of the structure, which determines the overall dimensions of the structure of reinforced soil and the length of geogrids. Stage 2 concerns based on local (internal) stability (the method of "double wedge"), in which the strength is checked and the vertical step geogrids connection strength of geogridto the facings. When constructing structures in seismic areas, seismic actions are taken into account in stability calculations. The results of full-scale tests of structures made of ground materials reinforced with geogrids in seismic conditions and the positive experience of their operation in many countries in seismic regions, which can be used in making technical decisions to improve the efficiency of such structures and the choice of design solutions for their protection from seismic effects.References
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