surface water, low water hardness, biogenic elements, physical and chemical research of water composition, amberAbstract
The waters of the surface reservoirs of the Rivne Nature Reserve, and in particular the lake Bile, have an abnormally low salt content and hardness. This fact confirms the results of our multi-year andsystematic studies of water samples. We have investigated these and others indicators of water condition for 8 years from 2011 to today’s time. In this article are used the materials of water analysis until 2018 inclusive. The text deals with the analysis of relative systematized data. We used trilonometric titration for water hardness level definition, IMF methods for pH and total salt content determination and x-ray for soil analysis. This made it possible to draw conclusions about the possibility of using Lake Bile water as benchmarks for testing equipment and computer simulation of water treatment processes. Two main steps to realize it is to thoroughly examine such sources of natural water and to develop a reliable system for monitoring and protecting these natural sources from man-made and anthropogenic influences in order to maintain their composition in a stable state in the medium and long-term, that is, from 10 years or more. Also, we considered are factors that may have a negative impact on the salt content of the water. In particular, the consequences of amber mining are considered. We identified the hidden problem in this process. The waters of a deep ground ambercarrying layers have significantly higher rates of hardness and salt content. According to difractometric analysis the soil samples taken from amber mining wells contain CaCO3 (calcium carbonate). It can easily dissolve in water and rise a hardness salt content. That's why we can make a conclusion, that when surface water, which contacts with these minerals is arrived back to the water reservoirs it can break the salt balance. As a result in some time it may change biodiversity and lead to the extinction of unique plant species. In this text we show only the chemical part of this problem. It also requires consideration by the biologists and ecologists. Our investigations are still in process, and we are working on simple and cheap technological decision of this problem.References
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