offshore fleet, hoisting equipment, occupational safety management system, safety of equipment operationAbstract
The analysis of the international normative documents concerning the requirements for the safety of operation of the lifting equipment used in the production of oil and gas by offshore fleet vessels. Thepeculiarity of lifting works is the fluctuation of the hull, the dramaticchanges in weather conditions, the presence of narrowed space forcarrying out work operations. Such operations belong to the category of works of high risk, and to ship load-lifting devices there are special requirements for control during their manufacture and operation. A clear safety management system has been established in the offshore fleet and effective control over its implementation is in place. Any lifting equipment used on ships must be designed in accordance with the following documents: British standards, European regulatory standards, ISO, ABS and DNV standards. A register of lifting equipment, the items of which are indicated in the inspection chart, must be kept on board any vessel. The registry must contain information for each element relative to the previous inspections of lifting equipment that should be carried out by members of the Team Lifting. In the event of any doubt as to the integrity of the lifting equipment, it must be separated, marked in red and stored in the quarantine area until further thorough examination by a competent person. Maintenance of lifting equipment is performed in accordance with the requirements of AMOS and/or manufacturers specifications.Modification or repair of lifting appliances shall be carried out inaccordance with an approved procedure and relevant standards andshall then be subject to inspection and recertification. Considering the urgency of the issue of safety at work during the prospective work on prospecting, development and production of oil and gas in the waters of the Black and Azov seas, it is advisable to improve the existing and develop new normative-legal acts on occupational safety for carrying out lifting works in accordance with the requirements of international norms documents.References
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