
  • Yu. H. Vilkul Academy of Mining Sciences of Ukraine, President of the Academy
  • A. A. Skachkov Northern Mine and Concentrator Complex, CEO
  • S. O. Zhukov Kryvyi Rih National University



mining industry, open pit, explosive destruction


The purpose of the above is to determine current state and trends inmining industry of Ukraine; the environmental conditions of Kryvbas,and technological possibilities of reducing seismic effects of massexplosions in open pit. The methods of research are in the technicaland economic analysis of Ukrainian mining industry, and astheoretical substantiation of technological solutions that reducenegative impact of opencast mining on the environment. Findings. The state and evolution trends of mining industry of Ukraineover the past ten years, as well as impact of mining enterprises onenvironment of the Kryvbas, are analyzed. It was determined that the most environmentally aggressive factor among technologicalprocesses is the explosive destruction of rocks. An analysis of thedevelopment of open pits № 3 of «ArcelorMittal Kryviy Rih» and«SouthMPC» indicates their spatial connection in the coming years.The immediate elimination of rocky whole between open pits iscomplicated both spatially and technologically, especially due toseismic constraints, but the solutions and measures developed byauthors simplify and secure this stage as much as possible.Conclusions. Adaptation of the author's analytical substantiation oftechnology of rocks destruction to specific conditions of eliminationthe rock mass, which divides the neighboring open pits, is reallypromising.The originality of the research lies in considering adjacent mines as a single complex dynamic system. Also, has adaptation of author'sanalytical substantiation for technology of rock-blasting destructionto specific conditions of elimination of rock mass separating adjacent open-cast.Practical implications lies in fact that the results of research isdetermined by the high level of suitability for their use in design of the mining operations of the open pits «ArcelorMittal KR» and«SouthMPC».

Author Biographies

Yu. H. Vilkul, Academy of Mining Sciences of Ukraine, President of the Academy

Doctor of Engineering, Professor

A. A. Skachkov, Northern Mine and Concentrator Complex, CEO

Mining Engineer

S. O. Zhukov, Kryvyi Rih National University

Doctor of Engineering, Professor


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