hydroinformatics, hydrodynamics, mathematical modeling, software, information technologies, water managementAbstract
Water related problems are ranked as some of the greatest problemsfacing mankind in the present century. It has become evident that theworld’s availability of water is reduced due to excessive consumption,contamination of aquifers, inadequate waste management, lack ofproper water collection and distribution technologies, and excessivefarming. There are numerous reports that over 1 billion people indeveloping countries lack access to safe drinking water and almost 3billion have no access to adequate sanitation facilities. Climate changehas also become a challenging factor: changes in rainfall patterns aremaking traditional water systems less and less effective (e.g.,drainage and flood protection, water control, storage and distributionfacilities and so on). Despite the fact that our technologicalcapabilities for dealing with hydro-meteorological events haveadvanced rapidly over the last hundred years and while globaleconomic growth per capita has doubled, such events have becomeever more disastrous. Modelling in fluid mechanics, hydraulics andhydrology, whether using digital tools or scale models, has reachedsufficient maturity to be in daily use by engineers for analysis, designand for communication. Increasingly, complex cases can be handledthanks to ever-more sophisticated tools and increasingly abundantcomputing power. The emerging environment populated with newgeneration of sensors, using cloud-computing resources, ischallenging the current practices of modelling and request innovationin methodology and concepts for a real integration into the decisionmakings processes. At the same time, the request to integratevulnerability and resilience dimension in the various engineeringapproaches is becoming more and more frequent. Hydroinformaticsoffers a considerable opportunity to address some of these waterrelated issues in a way that it can meaningfully provide integrationbetween data, models and decision support. The paper presents the results of the analysis of modern software used in hydroinformatics.References
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