
  • H. V. Hapich Dnipro State Agrarian and Economic University



hydrodynamic accident, hydrotechnical structure, earth dam, artificial reservoir


The results of the survey and analysis of the causes of thehydrodynamic accident on the soil dams of the cascade of artificialreservoirs are presented. The main reasons and factors that lead tothe emergence of emergency situations and failures in the operationof hydrotechnical facilities under the current conditions of technicalexploitation and climate change are established. Analysis of theresults of the research allowed to establish the following regularity:firstly – the unjustified technical parameters and design of both thebody of dams and spillway's for the passage of maximum costs of rain(storm floods); secondly – the lack of design technical documentationand the construction of hydraulic structures without properhydrological calculations; and thirdly – the sudden formation of apropane in the weakest places of dams where the areas of filtrationdeformations and suffusion were formed. On this fact it is indicatedthat the overflow of water through the crest over the entire perimeterof the dam was not occurring and additionally formed several zones ofdestruction from the side of the lower slope of the dam. One of thedisadvantages, too, is the technology of dam construction withoutproper compaction of soil masses and the use of soil materials that donot meet the regulatory requirements. Soils have different physicaland mechanical composition, used local materials: clay, loam, sandy loam and humus. It was determined that the contact zones of soilswith different properties formed potentially dangerous areas offiltration deformations, which in the future could also provoke anaccident, but the destruction occurred earlier because of theformation of a propane due to the excessive amount of water withatmospheric precipitation and the melting of snow. Proposedapproaches to prevent the destruction of soil hydraulic structures bytimely diagnosis of their technical condition, which will enable toidentify the hazardous and potential breakthrough areas at the stageof their formation.

Author Biography

H. V. Hapich, Dnipro State Agrarian and Economic University

Candidate of Engineering (Ph.D.)


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