modeling, protected soil, sleeve-cover, temperature, windAbstract
Among the promising ways of using wastewater, scientists allocatethermal amelioration of soil with the help of flexible water-filledshells-sleeves. At this stage, further studies require the design of thehydrotechnical system of surface soil heating to identify the mostenergy-efficient ones, to determine the impact on their functioning ofclimatic factors and to develop a unified approach to assessing theirsocial, economic, environmental and investment significance. Aneffective tool for solving such scientific problems is mathematical andcomputer simulation - conducting numerical calculations usingmodern software systemsThe mathematical models of heat transferare the theoretical basis for substantiating the designs ofhydrotechnical systems for surface heating of the soil by sleevesshells. A mathematical model describing the processes of heattransfer is a system of equations consisting of a heat balance equationtaking into account heat conduction and a convective component, aNavier-Stokes equation, and a flow continuity equation. For practicalpurposes of engineering calculations, it is possible to justify andintroduce a number of assumptions and simplifications. Numericalcalculations establish sufficiently high heat and melioration effects insoil and air under conditions of surface heating with water-filledsleeves-shells. A computer simulation approach is proposed that can be applied to different hydrotechnical systems and to predict theirenergy efficiency in different soil and climatic conditions.References
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