
  • L. O. Tokar National University of Water and Environmental Engineering
  • O. I. Tokar National University of Water and Environmental Engineering
  • V. R. Vodko National University of Water and Environmental Engineering



hydromelioration system, reliability estimation, capital construction class, coefficient of reliability, reliability level


The classification of hydrotechnical buildings of hydromeliorationsystems according to capital construction classes and classes ofconsequences (liability) is analyzed. It is established that moderndesign rules for hydro-amelioration systems as a whole do not offerquantitative indicators of the reliability of objects and all design methods are based on deterministic models. In accordance with theclass of consequences (liability) of the buildings , the categories ofresponsibility of the buildings and its elements and the group ofboundary states, the values of the coefficients of reliability are set,which are the coefficients of the stock and does not change during theoperation time of the buildings . Since the intensity of decreasing thereliability of the objects of hydro-amelioration systems depends onmany random factors, performing the assessment of the reliability ofhydro-ameliorative buildings requires switching from deterministicmodels to probabilistic ones. Therefore, the proposed values ofpermissible levels of reliability for hydro-amelioration structuresdepending on the class of capital and classes of consequences(liability), which allows the design of structures with the designatedlevel of failure, to evaluate the work of the building without a refusalduring the time of the calculated loads, to avoid unreasonable costsfor construction of buildings and possible damages caused by failuresof buildings.

Author Biographies

L. O. Tokar, National University of Water and Environmental Engineering

Candidate of Engineering (Ph.D.), Associate Professor

O. I. Tokar, National University of Water and Environmental Engineering

Candidate of Engineering (Ph.D.), Associate Professor

V. R. Vodko, National University of Water and Environmental Engineering

Senior Student


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