
  • I. V. Gopchak National University of Water and Environmental Engineering
  • A. V. Yatsyk Ukrainian Research Institute of Water Management and Ecological Problems
  • T. O. Basiuk International University of Economics and Humanities, Academician Stepan Demianchuk



river, water resources, zoning, anthropogenic loading, river basin


Water management and ecological zoning and water resourcesmanagement are performed by induction coefficients of anthropogenicloading on river basins (in the absence of radiation pollution) and bythe values of radiation contamination of water catchments andinductive coefficients of anthropogenic loading. The zoning will helpyou quickly identify which individual subsystems or reservoirs are ina disturbed natural state and determine which changes to certainindicators have led to this state. Subordination of units of watermanagement and ecological zoning is based on preservation of theunity of the water object, on the territory of which the issues ofregulation, use, management, and protection of water resources andthe creation of environmentally safe conditions at the catchment aresolved. The basis of zoning is the classification of anthropogenicloading on river basins by the degree of environmental risk, which hassix gradations. Implementation of water management and ecologicalzoning makes it possible to spatially assess and rank the river basinsaccording to the degree of environmental risk in relation to the levelof anthropogenic load in order to determine the priority of investmentinvestments in environmental measures

Author Biographies

I. V. Gopchak, National University of Water and Environmental Engineering

Candidate of Geographical Sciences (Ph.D.), AssociateProfessor

A. V. Yatsyk, Ukrainian Research Institute of Water Management and Ecological Problems

Academic NAAS, Doctor of Engineering, Professor

T. O. Basiuk, International University of Economics and Humanities, Academician Stepan Demianchuk

Candidate of  Geographical Sciences (Ph.D.)


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