ecological safety, disinfection of water, chlorination, drinking water, human healthAbstract
At the moment, there has been a tense situation with providingUkrainian population with benign drinking water. Unlike Europeancountries, in Ukraine and today, the traditional method of chlorinationis still widely used to disinfect tap water, the most economical andeffective method of disinfection of drinking water in comparison withany other well-known methods. The main criterion for drinking waterquality is its impact on human health. The problem of disinfection ofdrinking water by chlorination method in Ukraine, using the exampleof Kharkiv, was analyzed in the article. The main disadvantage ofchlorination is the formation of so-called trihalomethanes and dioxinswere proved. Unfortunately, in the process of decontamination ofdrinking water, dioxins are not controlled and not degraded, whichgives an occasion to say that these poisons come into the populationwith drinking water. This greatly increases the risk of variousdiseases, including oncological ones. Chlorine is practically the onlyreagent capable of protecting water from bacteria and microbes notonly at the time of filtration, but also during its passage through tapwater pipes.But unlike in Ukraine, European countries are concerned aboutminimizing the harmful effects of chlorine application. There are twomain methods of solving the problem of the formation of by-productsduring chlorination: the use of combined methods of decontamination(to reduce the amount of chlorine used); the preliminary removal oforganic impurities before chlorination. To reduce the amount ofchlorine involved in the process of disinfecting water, along withchlorination, apply ozonization, or other disinfectants and UVtreatment. The technological scheme of disinfection of tap water withsodium hypochlorite with the further treatment of water withultraviolet was proposed. Operating costs for two methods ofdisinfection of drinking water were comparative.References
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