
  • А. А. Скачков Director of Technology and Production Planning Department of «Metinvest Holding Ltd»
  • С. О. Жуков Kryvyi Rih National University
  • В. А. Стріха National University of Water and Environmental Engineering


rock, explosion, elastic wave, tension, anisotropy


The main purpose of the presented research is to improve the technology of rock destruction by explosion. For this purpose, new methods for creating a differentiated stressed state of a rock massif as well as for constructing borehole charges of explosives have been developed.The process of amplitude and energy variation during the intersection of an elastic wave of macrocracks in a rock is analyzed. The main factors influencing the explosion on the stress state of rocks in the conditions of application of the developed author’s solutions for the design of borehole charges, the formation of rock outcrops, the creation of additional reflecting waves of screen gaps, and the stability of vertical slopes of ledges are determined. The fracture of rocks with a change in the order of detonation of charges in the series of wells in the direction from the second or third – to the first is considered. Explosive destruction of the rock massif with the use of vertical slopes of the quarry ledges, with the making of shielding slots, which are created by advanced explosion of special directional charges, as well as the reverse sequence of blasting of the borehole series, provides a reduction in the specific consumption of explosivesby 15-17% and substantially increases the uniformity of rock crushing.Further development and manufacturing application of the research results will provide a significant reduction in the cost price of iron ore products by increasing the efficiency of drilling and blasting operations in the open pit.

Author Biographies

А. А. Скачков, Director of Technology and Production Planning Department of «Metinvest Holding Ltd»

Mining Engineer

С. О. Жуков, Kryvyi Rih National University

Doctor of Engineering, Professor

В. А. Стріха, National University of Water and Environmental Engineering

Candidate of Engineering (Ph.D.), Associate Professor


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