The results of theoretical studies on the development of the theory of turbulent water movement in pipelines obtained on the basis of the analysis of experimental data of hydraulic regularities of turbulent flows. It is proposed to evaluate their parameters according to the indicators of molecular and turbulent viscosity with the introduction into the calculations of the conditional relative thickness of the adjacent layer on the walls of the pipelines. On this basis, semi – empirical dependencies for the distribution of focused velocities in the cross – section of pipelines are specified and new theoretical dependencies were obtained between the basic parameters of turbulent flows in the pipes. Their adequacy is confirmed by the compliance of the estimated values of the focused rates by experimental data, on the basis of which the current standards for hydraulic calculations of water pipes were developed.
Author Biographies
O. A. Tkachuk, National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne
Doctor of Engineering, Professor
Ie. G. Gerasimov, National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne
Doctor of Engineering, Professor
O. V. Shevchuk, National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne