eco-oriented reconstruction, residential development, eco-reconstruction, green building, modernization, urban ecology
Urban planning practice, which has been extensive in recent decades, has led to natural landscapes degradation. The results of industrial activity in cities have created a significant burden on the natural environment. The growth of motorization has further increased this burden. Obviously, the issue of eco-reconstruction of urban development is becoming more and more relevant for urban planners. The implementation of the concept of sustainable development in cities is directly related to the urban landscape ecological reconstruction. The article presents the conditions under which the city can be recognized as environmentally friendly (environmentalized). Theworld experience of eco-oriented buildings reconstruction is reviewed.The author considers various approaches to the residential areas reconstruction in cities from the point of environmental friend liness view. The article defines the concept of eco-oriented reconstruction of residential buildings along the main street, namely, ecooriented reconstruction of residential buildings along the main street is the creation of a safe ecological space, taking into account the street context to improve the quality and standard of living for residents and users of the corresponding urban area. The authors propose to single out four structural elements of the concept: buildings and structures, infrastructure and landscaping, street environment, residents and users. For each of these structural elements, the factors and principles of eco-oriented reconstruction of buildings are given.Thus, eco-oriented reconstruction of residential buildings as a method of urban renewal should become one of the priority areas for cities transformation and development. Before using the method, it is necessary to study and systematize domestic and foreign experience. A variety of urban planning and environmental conditions determines many methods of eco-oriented reconstruction – from local gardening to spaces and objects artificial microclimate creation.
Author Biographies
Л. М. Піліпака, National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne
Candidate of Engineering (Ph.D.), Associate Professor
V. I. Derkach, National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne