
  • O. A. Tkachuk National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne
  • V. A. Lipіanin National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne
  • O. V. Shevchuk National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne
  • Ya. V. Yaruta National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne




hydraulic calculations, collectors, pipelines, urban drainage


The main dependences between the structural and kinematic parameters of drainage pipelines during their hydraulic calculations according to a simplified formula are analyzed. The patent dependences obtained by the authors for the correlations between the pipelines parameters are given. It is established that the nature of changes in water consumption and flow velocities in their cross-section does not depend on the diameters and slopes of the pipelines, but only on their filling. When filling more than two thirds of the diameters of the pipes, the velocities are stabilized at the level of their maximum values for a given diameter and slope of the pipeline. With the minimum allowable slope of the pipeline, the normative minimum velocity of wastewater is essentially equal to the maximum for a given diameter of pipes. The values of the minimum allowable slopes of pipelines for all types of urban drainage are almost the same, depend only on their diameters and can be determined by the obtained empirical formula. The critical allowable minimum and maximum slopes, as well as the maximumwastewater flow corresponding to these slopes for pipeline  of different diameters are determined. For practical calculations, a software module is proposed, which should be used as an electronic calculator of hydraulic calculations. It can be used to determine the filling and average velocity of water in the pipeline at a given diameter of the pipes, water flow and slope of the pipeline. In addition to the main results of the calculations, intermediate calculation data are given, which can be useful for in-depth analysis or for finding optimal values, such as the slope or diameter of the pipeline. This approach is an alternative to hydraulic calculations using tables, as well as a tool for creating and configuring special programs or software modules forcalculations of the entire drainage network with hydraulic correlation of the parameters of its individual sections.

Author Biographies

O. A. Tkachuk, National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne

Doctor of Engineering, Professor

V. A. Lipіanin, National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne

Candidate of Engineering (Ph.D.) Associate Professor

O. V. Shevchuk, National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne

Candidate of Engineering (Ph.D.)

Ya. V. Yaruta, National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne





