arched bridge structure, metal corrugated structures, deformations, bearing capacity
The question of the method of practical calculation of arched bridge structures from metal corrugated structures (MCS) on the effect of the load from the soil mass of the road embankment and the temporary moving load from vehicles is considered. On the basis of the analysis of technical literature and relevant regulatory documents, it is shown what shortcomings exist in the approaches to the design of specifically arched bridge structures from MCS, which are less common and less researched, in comparison with structures in the form of a circle. According to the results of this analysis of the state of affairs in the field of design of bridge structures from the MCS, it was established what exactly are the shortcomings of the existing normative documents in the part of calculations of specifically arched structures. On the basis of research data and an example of numerical calculations of a specific arched structure from MCS, the possibility of solving calculation issues within the generallyaccepted calculation prerequisites of the theory of limit equilibrium is shown. Proposals have been made to create the basis of the methodology for the simplified calculation of such structures under the conditions of a flat problem. It is shown that it can be defined as the sum of the personal bearing capacity of the arch (outside the soil) and the addition to it in the form of a load, which is necessary to ensure the balance of the arch scheme, as a system of hard disks connected by full hinges in an admissible deformed state (with permissible deflection) in the conditions of elastic resistance of the soil to the deformations of the arch. The provided proposals allow the calculation of an arched bridge structure from MCS quite simply and with sufficient accuracy for practical purposes, taking into account the elastic resistance of the soil in an admissible deformed state and taking into account the physical and geometric non-linearity of the "construction – soil" system.
Author Biography
V. M. Abramov, Donbas National Academy of Construction and Architecture, Ivano-Frankivsk (for the period of martial law)
Candidate of Engineering (Ph.D.), Associate Professor