heat flow, humidity, insulation, wall, temperature
The article examines the thermal and moisture characteristics of the wall bordering the ground of a public building with basements during waterproofing and insulation works. The temperature distribution and heat flow in the thickness of the structure during its drying were experimentally determined. The influence of wall humidity on the microclimate of the premises was analyzed. Recommendations for the repair and operation of fencing structures bordering the ground have been developed.
Purpose: to determine the temperature and humidity regime of the walls bordering the ground, the basement, when the conditions of their operation change. Object of research: the walls of the basement.
Subject of research: thermal and moisture characteristics of walls.
In connection with the need to install protective structures of civil protection in residential and public buildings during reconstruction or major repairs, a requirement is put forward for the appropriate conversion of basement premises. The conducted numerical surveys of such premises determined their technical condition as unsuitable for normal operation.
Characteristic defects are defined as: violation of the ventilation regime of basement premises; leakage of water supply and drainage networks; jamming of walls bordering the ground due to the destruction of vertical waterproofing; freezing of external fencing structures; destruction or lack of paving around the building.
Based on the analysis of the technical condition of the structures bordering the ground, measures for waterproofing and warming the wall through which atmospheric moisture flowed were developed and implemented. The study of the temperature regime of the enclosing structure was carried out with the help of the "Teplograph" measuring and recording complex. The temperature distribution in the thickness of the multilayer wall and the heat flow during its drying were measured.
The conducted measurements proved the effectiveness of waterproofing and insulation measures of wall structures bordering the ground. They made it possible to restore the operational characteristics of the walls and improve the microclimate of the premises, which is the basis for further work on the construction of the shelter. Namely: repair of the interior decoration of dual-purpose premises, installation of a ventilation system with recuperative installations, re-planning of sanitary units and entrances to the shelter taking into account inclusiveness, repair of engineering networks, etc.
Author Biographies
О. Semко, National University «Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic»
Doctor of Engineering, Professor
Т. Ilchenko, National University «Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic»
postgraduate student
A. Filonenko, National University «Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic»
postgraduate student
N. Mahas, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Bratislava, Slovak Republic