densification of buildings, underground space, social infrastructure, rational use of underground space, transformer substations
World trends in the use of underground space in the construction of modern cities were studied. It is shown that the underground space can be used for the needs of a modern city, in particular for the construction of commercial objects, trade and household, entertainment, cultural and educational, sports enterprises, transport networks. A well-planned and properly operated underground infrastructure increases the quality of life, energy efficiency and environmental safety to a greater extent than a similar system on the surface. At the same time, due to the placement of part of the urban infrastructure underground, the area of greenery increases and the environmental condition of large cities and their historical centers improves.
Examples of the development and rational use of the underground space of cities in Canada and other countries are analyzed, the possibility of obtaining a developed network of civil defense protective structures, equipped with all the necessary communications for people's stay, is shown, which has become especially relevant in modern war conditions.
The global experience of the construction of underground transformer stations is summarized and the prospects for the implementation of the underground construction of such facilities in Ukraine are shown. The basic problems of modern urban construction include the shortage of urban areas, the accumulation of vehicles on the roads, the lack of parking spaces, the inability of the urban infrastructure to cope with the ever-increasing load, and the deterioration of the ecological situation. Changes are shown regarding the growth of energy supply to consumers from 3 to 5 kW, and the introduction of a new player on the Ukrainian electricity market - an energy storage facility operator.
Placing up to 20-25% of urban infrastructure underground allows to reduce the energy consumption of the housing stock. In the conditions of Ukraine's refusal to import natural gas and the transition to electric heating, mainly at the expense of RES, new residential buildings will lead to a decrease in the amount of greenhouse gas emissions, and a part of the territories of cities for greening will increase, since vegetation is a significant conservator of carbon dioxide. The underground location of transformer substations in Ukraine is substantiated and proposed for the first time, which will ensure the achievement and solution of a number of problems of modern urban planning.
Author Biography
O. V. Kosakivskiy, Vinnytsia National Technical University