
  • O.O. Mykhailyk Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture



acupuncture points, urban space, public space, coastal zone, embankment, revitalization, inclusiveness, comfort, reconstruction


The purpose of the work is to determine the sectors of the urban space, the principles and methods of their restoration after the end of the war.Urban reconstruction is the restoration of urban spaces, starting from sidewalks and ending with public works. Public and courtyard spaces, street and road and blue-green networks of the city, houses and buildings are those acupuncture points of the urban fabric, when improved, the entire organism of the city is improved. People-centeredness, respect for human dignity, a sense of comfort and safety, environmental friendliness, promotion of social activity of residents in public space are factors that should be prioritized when organizing an inclusive, comfortable, ecological urban environment.Public space should be expressive and comfortable: barrier-free and inclusive space, convenient platforms with necessary and interesting functions, multifunctional zones for different population groups, sufficient landscaping, creation of an «active» perimeter, organization of extensive bicycle infrastructure, inclusive and aesthetic public transport stops.The possibility of access to water for all citizens, the ban on the construction of transit highways and industrial enterprises, the prohibition of landfills, the organization of fixed landscaped coastal protective strips are necessary components of the public development zone of the coastal zones of the city. The experience of the urban planning organization of the coastal areas of many European cities is an example of coastal areas where ancient traditions and modern comfort coexist, where residents' recreation is combined with cultural, historical and gastronomic tourism.After the Second World War, depending on the degree of destruction of the city, its historical value, the financing of the reconstruction of the cities took place in different ways - somewhere they preserved the pre-war architecture as much as possible (especially in the city centers), somewhere they built in a new way.The main architectural and construction vectors for the reconstruction of urban spaces are the reconstruction and modernization of buildings, the use of modern typical materials and elements, the development of pedestrian routes and bicycle networks, the development of blue-green infrastructure, the revitalization of river ecosystems in an urbanized environment, etc. The revitalization of cities should be an organized and transparent process, preventing uncontrolled development and the preference of commercial interests over the comfort of residents. Improving the quality of urban space will help increase the social activity of Ukrainians.

Author Biography

O.O. Mykhailyk, Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture

Candidate of Engineering (Ph.D.)




