
  • Tetiana Shylova Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture




gated residential complex, resident safety, open residential complex, landscaping, mobility, segregation, socialization of the population


An analysis of modern trends in the construction of residential complexes (RCs) shows that most RCs have a gated territory for both cars and pedestrians, and only slightly more than a quarter have an open territory. The paper identifies common features, advantages, and disadvantages of gated and open RCs, and provides suggestions on how to open up the territories of RCs. Common features of open and gated RCs: comprehensive development, the ability to satisfy the vast majority of residents' needs on the territory of the RC; absence of car traffic on the territory of the RC; parking of cars mainly in underground garages near the apartments; organization of garbage collection and removal on the periphery or outside the territory. Advantages of gated RCs: privacy of residents, peace and quiet, and a safe place for children to walk; absence of transit pedestrians; better level of landscaping. Advantages of open RCs: socialization of the population; the presence of a large number of various cultural and consumer services directly on the territory; profitability of catering, cultural, and consumer services; emergency vehicles can enter the territory in a timely manner: ambulances, fire trucks, repair services, etc.  How to open gated RCs: Formation of a local community The key to security is a large number of social connections between residents. This can be achieved through public spaces that encourage acquaintances and events—festivals and sports competitions. Buffer zone around the RC Instead of a fence around the RC, it is worth organizing a "buffer zone" - a recreational space that can be used by both the complex's residents and their neighbors. This space can be created using joint funds from the area's residents or with the equity participation of the RC developer to build several locations—at the city level and at the developer level.

Author Biography

Tetiana Shylova, Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Docent, Associate Professor




