In the conditions of energy and resource conservation, as well as improvement of the environmental condition, the problem of creating less energy-intensive binders (composite binders), which is an effective alternative to widespread cements, is increasingly becoming relevant. Composite binders (CB) are a mixture of a hydraulic binder, a silica-containing component and various modifiers, contributing to the optimization of the specified characteristics of the final products. To date, a significant number of different composite binders have been developed and tested, unique both from the point of view ofenvironmental protection and profitable in terms of capital investments, as well as manufactured and tested on an industrialscale. At the same time, knowing all the advantages of such compositions, these composites do not have the deserved volume of production capacity in cement and concrete factories and sales markets. Therefore, the development and research of compositions of composite binders and concrete based on them is relevant at the current stage. On the way to creating and using CB, there are tasks that must be solved in each specific case. To conduct a theoretical study on the study of the previous experience of creating composite binders, effective raw materials, advantages and disadvantages, the current state and prospects for development. The use of composite binders of different compositions allows creating composites with predetermined physical and mechanical properties and operational characteristics. However, scientific and experimental design of the composition is necessary, as well as the choice of technology for the modification and production of binders. When choosing raw materials for a composite binder, the most effective are the components that have been affected by geological and man-made processes. For greater intensification of the process of structure formation and improvement of physical and mechanical properties, activation is used.
Author Biographies
O. A. Huseіnov, Prуdnіprovska State Academy of Construction and Architecture, Dnipro
Post-graduate Student
V. I. Zaporozhets, Prуdnіprovska State Academy of Construction and Architecture, Dnipro