
  • K. M. Kovbyk Kryvyi Rih National University
  • V. O. Kalinichenko Kryvyi Rih National University
  • M. O. Kucheruk National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne


ore shearing, loose ores, hydraulic mining, destruction by water jets, deformation characteristics, hydromechanization, underground development


To improve the model of geomechanical processes, it became necessary to obtain additional information about the parameters of loose ores, deformation characteristics (Young's modulus) and strength parameters under loads corresponding to the conditions of ore occurrence. Since most of the underground enterprises of Kryvyi Rih work with classical systems that are not adapted to the extraction of minerals in conditions of flooding of deposits and low stability of ores, studying the technology of destroying an array with water jets will make it possible to invent ways to introduce this technology into the production process.The purpose of the article is to determine the main deformation indicators during the destruction of loose ores by water jets.Determine the dependence of the change in various deformation characteristics when cutting ores with water jets under pressure. The obtained results are mathematically processed and dependencies are derived on the basis of the performed analysis, to propose further implementation of hydraulic extraction technology.In the process of conducting a physical experiment on the hydraulic destruction of the massif, according to the cyclical change in the effective vertical pressure in loose ores in the range of 0.5–2.0 MPa at a total pressure of up to 8 MPa. Experiments have shown that the tested samples practically do not restore the deformation. When shearing the samples, the vertical deformations increased during the entire period of shearing. This indicates that the mineral grains of the ore on the surface of the landslide are overcompacted and compressed. Experience data allow us to consider the ways of introducing the technology of hydraulic destruction of loose ores, at various technological processes in the underground forgery of mineral deposits, both as a separate process and as an auxiliary process in the development of deposits, which makes it possible to increase the safety of mining operations through the use of a nonexplosive method of rock destruction.A result of work dependences of shearing stress on total vertical stresses were calculated and established. On the basis of the established dependences, graphs of the deformation of loose ores from the pressure of the liquid were compiled, which make it possible to trace the process of destruction of ores when they are cut by water jets.

Author Biographies

K. M. Kovbyk, Kryvyi Rih National University


V. O. Kalinichenko, Kryvyi Rih National University

Doctor of Engineering, Professor

M. O. Kucheruk, National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne



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