
  • V. A. Kovalchuk National University of Water and Environmental Engineering


municipal wastewater, municipal wastewater treatment plants, biological wastewater treatment, nitrification, denitrification, combined aeration tanks


Chortkiv WWTP was carried out according to the technology developed in the 60s of the last century. The WWTP included gratings, sand traps, Imgoff settling tanks, biofilters, secondary settling tanks, contact tanks, sand and silt sites. WWTP did not provide the required degree of wastewater treatment, especially given the current requirements for the nutrients concentrations. In February 2017, the Rivne company "Comfort-Eco" in cooperation with NUWEE began to develop a project to modernize the Chortkiv WWTP with a capacity of7000 m3/day. The project was based on a modified Ludczak – Ettinger process with preliminary denitrification to ensure the removal of nitrogen compounds. Removal of phosphates was supposed to be carried out with the use of chemical reagents. The calculation of biological WWTP was carried out according to German standards ATV-131. It was planned to make maximum use of existing facilities for wastewater treatment. The company "Comfort-Eco" began construction work on Chortkiv WWTP modernization in May 2018. Themain problem was the preparatory work – namely the demolition of three existing biofilters. Two bioreactors with secondary settling tanks, an air blower station, and equipment installation were built.Currently, commissioning works are being completed at the Chortkiv WWTP. The quality indicators of treated wastewater for BOD5 and ammonium nitrogen already meet the requirements, phosphates – close to the design.

Author Biography

V. A. Kovalchuk, National University of Water and Environmental Engineering

Doctor of Engineering, Professor 


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