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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • This submission has not been previously published and has not been sent to other journals for consideration (or the comments for the editor below provide the necessary explanations).
  • The submission file is a document in Microsoft Word, OpenOffice, RTF or WordPerfect format.
  • Internet links in the text are accompanied by fully valid URLs.
  • The text is typed in the 12th size of the font with a single line spacing; authorial accents are highlighted in italics, not underlined (everywhere except URLs); all illustrations, graphs and tables are placed directly in the text, where they should be in the table of contents (and not at the end of the document).
  • The text meets the stylistic and bibliographic requirements set out in the Guidelines for Authors in the About the Journal section.
  • If the material is submitted to the peer-reviewed section of the journal, the instructions on the Guarantees of Blind Peer Review have been followed when compiling the submission file.

Author Guidelines

The manuscript should be placed in the following order:

- UDC index, "bold" font.

- Surname, name, patronymic of the author (s) of the article and their regalia (in Ukrainian), in bold, and in parentheses the name of the institution or organization where the author works or studies, the city - in bold (one space after UDC) , e-mail.

- Title of the article (in capital letters, "bold", with alignment on the left edge in Ukrainian) (one space after the author's name).

- Abstract (5-7 sentences), keywords (5-7 words) in Ukrainian, in bold, and the word keywords in bold italics (left alignment) (one space after the title of the article).

- The main text of the article - width, font size 12 point (one space after the annotation). Paragraph - 1 cm.

- Tables (if any) - the word "Table" on the right and a full stop at the end. The name of the table in the center and the point is also not put, if it continues to the next page, type "continuation of the table. 1 ", if the table is not numbered -" continuation of the table ".

Tables and illustrations must be signed and numbered, all elements of a single illustration must be grouped into one object, if they are made as a drawing of MS Word. The caption under the illustration is indicated by the abbreviated word "Fig.", At the end of the dot is not put. Example:

Fig. 1. Layout of cassette elements:
1 - film unwinder; 2 - steel rollers; 3 - drive roller; 4 - support risers

- There should be an indentation between the signature and the main text.

- Formulas are printed in the center, numbering in the right field, the main font size - 13 point. Formulas must be typed in the Microsoft Equation 3.0 formula editor (version 3.0 or lower) or MathType. At Microsoft Word 2007, 2010 formulas not to type !!! This also applies to formulas and formula symbols that are located in the text. When dialing, you must make the following settings:

"Style" menu





Times New Roman Cyr



Times New Roman Cyr



Times New Roman Cyr


Lowercase greek



Uppercase greek






Matrix vector

Times New Roman Cyr



Times New Roman Cyr


Menu “Size”


13 pt

Big index

10 pt

Small index

8 pt

Big symbol

15 pt

Small index

12 pt

- Rounded brackets are used in the text. It is necessary to use the same type of quotation marks ("").

- Hyphen should not be separated by spaces Signs of degrees, percentages, minutes, seconds are not separated by a space from the number: 6%. Abbreviations following the degree sign are separated by a space: 20 ° C. The dash between the words is separated by a space.

- Literature: font size - 11 point, no more than 15 sources, reference in the text to each source is required, for example [4, p. 7]) is printed at the end of the article (design of the list of used literature must meet the requirements of DSTU 8302: 2015 Bibliographic references.General provisions and rules of compilation.). The list includes only sources that are referenced in the text of the article. The list of references continues in a row, and the numbers are highlighted in bold. For example: 1. Bell D. The Coming of Post-Industrial Society. A Venture in Social Forecasting / D. Bell. - N. Y., 1973. - 234 pp. 2. Walras L. Elements of pure political economy. - M.: Izograf, 2000. - 448 s. Sources are given in square brackets [1, P. 3]. The first digit is the source number in the bibliography, the second is the page number. The source number and page number are separated by a comma with a space, the source number by a semicolon, eg: [4], [5, P. 123], [6; 10]. In a sentence, a full stop is placed after parentheses, links. References to foreign publications in periodicals in recent years are useful.

- Last name, first name, patronymic of the author (s) of the article and their regalia (in English), in bold, and in parentheses the name of the institution or organization where the author works or studies, the city - in bold.

- Title of the article (in capital letters, "bold", with alignment on the left edge in English).

- Annotation (at least 1800 characters), keywords (5-7 words) in English, in bold, and keywords in bold italics (left alignment). The annotation in English should be informative, meaningful, and it should use the structure and terminology inherent in the English language. The best option for annotation is a brief repetition of the structure of the article.

- The author and the reviewer are responsible for the quality and content of the article. Materials in MS Word 97-2003 format are submitted to the e-mail address before the article is printed. The article should be 6-10 pages of text, B5 format in 1.0 space, size 12, Times New Roman font; field at the top 20 mm, left and right - 25 mm, bottom 22 mm, footer 1.5 cm).

Along with the article are submitted:

1. Extract from the meeting of the department or laboratory on the recommendation of the article for publication;

2. For authors without a degree, the manuscript is accompanied by a review of the candidate (doctor) of science;

Warning! Articles using computer English translation are not accepted.

Author's originals that do not meet these requirements are not accepted for consideration. Manuscripts are subject to additional editorial review. The peer-reviewed article can be returned to the author for revision. Articles are published in the author's edition. The editors reserve the right to minor edits and reductions while maintaining the main conclusions and the author's style. The editors additionally inform the authors about the recommendation of the article for publication and the cost of publication. The rejected original is not returned to the author.

The author of the article is fully responsible for the correctness of the stated facts, quotations, references, which he claims with his signature on the back of the last page, indicating: read, verified, edited, date, signature.

The author of the article must provide his e-mail.

All articles will be checked by the anti-plagiarism program.

Articles are printed after paying for the publication.

Privacy Statement

The names and e-mail addresses provided by users of the site of this journal will be used exclusively for internal technical tasks of this journal; they will not be distributed and passed on to third parties.