
  • R. V. Trach Варшавський університет природничих наук, Польща, Варшава

Ключові слова:

переробки, будівельний проект, помилки, упущення, зміни


В статті проаналізовано наявні визначення, розмір та причин виникнення переробок у будівництві. Переробки в будівництві можуть виникати як результат помилок, упущень і змін. Ключовими негативними наслідками впливу переробок на продуктивність проекту є перевитрата коштів, перевищення часу реалізації проекту, незадоволення команди проекту, порушення договірних вимог, зниження якості. Зазначені негативні наслідки можуть хвилеподіно поширюватися і на інші аспекти діяльності будівельних підприємств і призвести до зниження прибутку, втрати частки ринку і  репутації, збільшення обороту ресурсів і робочої сили, зниження  продуктивності, погіршення партнерських відносин.

Біографія автора

R. V. Trach, Варшавський університет природничих наук, Польща, Варшава



CIDA (1995). Measuring Up or Muddling Through: Best Practice in the Australian Non-Residential Construction Industry, Construction Industry Development Agency and Masters Builders Australia, Sydney, Australia, pp. 59–63.

Eden C., Williams T., Howick S., The role of feedback dynamics in disruption and delay on the nature of disruption and delay (D & D) in major projects, Journal of the Operational Research Society, 2000., 51 (3), pp. 291–300.

Endut, IR Akintoye, A. and Kelly J. (2005), Cost and time overruns of projects in Malaysia, Proceedings of the 2nd Scottish Conference for Postgraduate Researchers of the Built and Natural Environment (PRoBE) 16-17 November, Glasgow Caledonian University.

Abdul-Rahman, H. (1995). The cost of non-conformance during a highway project: a case study. Construction Management and Economics, 13 (1), pp. 23–32.

Burati, JL, Farrington, JJ and Ledbetter, WB (1992). Causes of quality deviations in design and construction. ASCE Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 118, pp. 34–49.

Hammarlund, Y., Jacobsson, S. and Josephson, PE (1990a). Quality failure costs in building construction. Proc., CIB W55 / W65 Joint Symposium, International Council for Building Research Studies and Documentation, Sydney, Australia, pp. 77–89.

Barber, P., Sheath, D., Tomkins, C. and Graves, A. (2000). The cost of quality failures in major civil engineering projects, International Journal of Quality Reliability Management, 17 (4/5), pp. 479–492.

Love, PED and Li, H. (2000). Quantifying the causes and costs of rework in construction, Construction Management and Economics, 18 (4), pp. 479–490.

Ashford, JL (1992). The management of quality in construction, E & F Spon, London.

CII (2001). An investigation of field rework in industrial construction, Research Summary, Construction Industry Institute, Austin, Texas, USA.

Josephson PE & Hammarlund, Y. (1999). "The causes and costs of defects in construction. A study of seven building projects", Autom. in Constr. 8 (6).

Fayek, AR, Dissanayake, M. & Campero, O. (2003). "Measuring and classifying construction field rework: A pilot study", Research Rep. (May), Construction Owners Association of Alberta COAA. The University of Alberta, Edmonton, Al., Canada.

Oyewobi L. O, Oke, AA, Ganiyu BO, Shittu AA, Isa RS & Nwokobia L. (2011). "The effect of project types on the occurrence of rework in expanding economy", Journal of Civil Engineering and Construction Technology 2 (6): 119-124.

Burati, J.L., Farrington, JJ, Ledbetter, WB (1992). "Causes of quality deviations in design and construction", J. Constr. Eng. Manage., 118 (1): 34–49.

Love, P., Edwards, D., Watson, H. & Davis, P. (2010). "Rework in Civil Infrastructure Projects: Determination of Cost Predictors", J. Constr. Eng. Manage. 136 (3): 275–282.

Forcada, N., Rusiñol, G., Macarulla, M. & Love, PED (2014a). "Rework in highway projects", Journal of Civil Engineering and Management. 20 (4): 445–465.

Frimpong, Y., Oluwoye, J., & Crawford, L. (2003). Causes of delay and cost overruns in construction of groundwater projects in a developing country; Ghana as a case study.

International journal of project management Vol. 21, 321–326.

Reffat, RM (2004). Sustainable construction in developing countries. Cairo, Egypt.

Azhar, N., Farooqui, RU, & Ahmed, SM (2008). First international conference on construction in developing countries. Cost overrun factors in construction industry of Pakistan, (pp. 499–508). Karachi, Pakistan.

Управління проектами : навч. посіб. / Малий В. В., Мазуркевич О. І., Чернов С. К. та ін. ; під

ред. В. В. Малого та С. К. Чернова. Миколаїв : НУК, 2010. 354 с.

Construction Industry Institute (CII) (1989), Costs of quality deviations indesign and construction. "RS 10-1 (Jan), The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas.

Busby, JS and Hughes, EJ (2004), Projects, pathogens, and incubation periods, International Journal of Project Management, 22, 425–434.

Reason, J. (2002), Combating omission errors through task analysis and good reminder, Quality and Safety in Health Care, 11 (1): 40–44.

Love, PED, Edwards, DJ, Irani, Z. and Walker, DHT (2009), Project pathogens: The anatomy

of omission errors in construction and engineering projects, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 56 (3): 425–435.

Barber, P., Graves, A., Hall, M., Sheath, D., and Tomkins, C. (2000), Quality failure costs in civil engineering projects, International Journal of Quality and Reliability Management, 17 (4/5 ): 479–492.


CIDA (1995). Measuring Up or Muddling Through: Best Practice in the Australian Non-Residential Construction Industry, Construction Industry Development Agency and Masters Builders Australia, Sydney, Australia, pp. 59–63.

Eden C., Williams T., Howick S., The role of feedback dynamics in disruption and delay on the nature of disruption and delay (D & D) in major projects, Journal of the Operational Research Society, 2000., 51 (3), pp. 291–300.

Endut, IR Akintoye, A. and Kelly J. (2005), Cost and time overruns of projects in Malaysia,

Proceedings of the 2nd Scottish Conference for Postgraduate Researchers of the Built and Natural Environment (PRoBE) 16-17 November, Glasgow Caledonian University.

Abdul-Rahman, H. (1995). The cost of non-conformance during a highway project: a case study. Construction Management and Economics, 13 (1), pp. 23–32.

Burati, JL, Farrington, JJ and Ledbetter, WB (1992). Causes of quality deviations in design and construction. ASCE Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 118, pp. 34–49.

Hammarlund, Y., Jacobsson, S. and Josephson, PE (1990a). Quality failure costs in building

construction. Proc., CIB W55 / W65 Joint Symposium, International Council for Building Research Studies and Documentation, Sydney, Australia, pp. 77–89.

Barber, P., Sheath, D., Tomkins, C. and Graves, A. (2000). The cost of quality failures in major civil engineering projects, International Journal of Quality Reliability Management, 17 (4/5), pp. 479–492.

Love, PED and Li, H. (2000). Quantifying the causes and costs of rework in construction, Construction Management and Economics, 18 (4), pp. 479–490.

Ashford, JL (1992). The management of quality in construction, E & F Spon, London.

CII (2001). An investigation of field rework in industrial construction, Research Summary,

Construction Industry Institute, Austin, Texas, USA.

Josephson PE & Hammarlund, Y. (1999). "The causes and costs of defects in construction. A

study of seven building projects", Autom. in Constr. 8 (6).

Fayek, AR, Dissanayake, M. & Campero, O. (2003). "Measuring and classifying construction

field rework: A pilot study", Research Rep. (May), Construction Owners Association of Alberta COAA. The University of Alberta, Edmonton, Al., Canada.

Oyewobi L. O, Oke, AA, Ganiyu BO, Shittu AA, Isa RS & Nwokobia L. (2011). "The effect of project types on the occurrence of rework in expanding economy", Journal of Civil Engineering and Construction Technology 2 (6): 119-124.

Burati, J.L., Farrington, JJ, Ledbetter, WB (1992). "Causes of quality deviations in design and construction", J. Constr. Eng. Manage., 118 (1): 34–49.

Love, P., Edwards, D., Watson, H. & Davis, P. (2010). "Rework in Civil Infrastructure Projects: Determination of Cost Predictors", J. Constr. Eng. Manage. 136 (3): 275–282.

Forcada, N., Rusiñol, G., Macarulla, M. & Love, PED (2014a). "Rework in highway projects", Journal of Civil Engineering and Management. 20 (4): 445–465.

Frimpong, Y., Oluwoye, J., & Crawford, L. (2003). Causes of delay and cost overruns in construction of groundwater projects in a developing country; Ghana as a case study. International journal of project management Vol. 21, 321–326.

Reffat, RM (2004). Sustainable construction in developing countries. Cairo, Egypt.

Azhar, N., Farooqui, RU, & Ahmed, SM (2008). First international conference on construction in

developing countries. Cost overrun factors in construction industry of Pakistan, (pp. 499–508). Karachi, Pakistan.

Upravlinnia proektamy : navch. posib. /Malyi V. V., Mazurkevych O. I., Chernov S. K. ta in. ; pid red. V. V. Maloho ta S. K. Chernova. Mykolaiv : NUK, 2010. 354 s.

Construction Industry Institute (CII) (1989), Costs of quality deviations indesign and construction. "RS 10-1 (Jan), The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas.

Busby, JS and Hughes, EJ (2004), Projects, pathogens, and incubation periods, International Journal of Project Management, 22, 425–434.

Reason, J. (2002), Combating omission errors through task analysis and good reminder, Quality and Safety in Health Care, 11 (1): 40–44.

Love, PED, Edwards, DJ, Irani, Z. and Walker, DHT (2009), Project pathogens: The anatomy of omission errors in construction and engineering projects, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 56 (3): 425–435.

Barber, P., Graves, A., Hall, M., Sheath, D., and Tomkins, C. (2000), Quality failure costs in civil engineering projects, International Journal of Quality and Reliability Management, 17 (4/5 ): 479–492.





