urban storm water runoff, the impact of urban runoff on the condition of river hydro-ecosystems, the Lower DniproAbstract
The study represents the results of the research on the hydrological structure of the distribution of storm water runoff from the territory of Kherson within the adjacent water area of the Dnipro. It has been established that the storm water runoff from the urban territory reaches the Dnipro in the amount of 67-90% of the total amount of precipitation. The level of the local filtration utilization of precipitation directly correlates with the level of single precipitation, the less the latter is, the higher the level of its filtration share is. The distribution of the surface runoff from the town in the water area of the Dnipro, the duration and velocity of the movement within the riverbed, and also the level of its self-purification are mainly determined by the river hydrological regime (the velocity of the current) and the wind regime of the river and estuary water-body. The paper focuses on the ecological significance of the wetland and lake network, which serves as a main element of complex mechanisms of self-purification of the river hydro-ecosystems of the Lower Dnipro.References
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