The article covers the dynamics of humus content and basic nutrients in the soils of the Volyn region. Long-term information related to observations during soil agrochemical monitoring of agricultural lands on changes in soil content of humus, basic nutrients has been systematized. Peculiarities of humus balance formation depending on crops and fertilizer system have been determined.
In the course of the research a clear stable tendency to decrease the stocks of humus and nutrients in the soils of the region was revealed. The reason for dehumification and loss of quality characteristics is rough exploitation of the soil caused by the cultivation of energy-intensive crops on large areas without proper compensation for losses and return of nutrients by applying mineral and especially organic fertilizers.
During the observations it was found that the most energyintensive plants in terms of reducing humus stocks in the soils of the region are the following industrial crops: soybeans, rapeseed, sunflower and corn. In 2019, soybeans itself caused loss of about 34.6 thousand tons of humus, which is about 1 t / ha in average. At the same time, the total loss of humus in the region, taking into account all crops that contribute to humus accumulation, amounted to 37 thousand tons.
In order to preserve the productivity of soil and prevent depletion of soil fertility, a number of organizational and practical measures are proposed, the main of which are optimization of land use by reducing soil-depleting crops and increasing grass and legumes, as well as ensuring soil fertility reproduction by increasing organic fertilizers and growing green manure crops. In our opinion, it is also necessary to expand the powers of all state bodies in the area of land protection, including the State Ecological Inspectorate for the protection and preservation of soil cover and environmental protection in general.
Author Biographies
N. I. Zinchuk, Volyn Branch of the State Institution "Institute of Soil Protection of Ukraine, Lutsk
Candidate of Agricultural Sciences (Ph.D.), Associate Professor
S. P. Bondarchuk, Lutsk National Technical University, Lutsk
Candidate of Agricultural Sciences (Ph.D.), Associate Professor
L. F. Bondarchuk, Lutsk National Technical University, Lutsk
Candidate of Agricultural Sciences (Ph.D.), Associate Professor
I. M. Merlenko, Lutsk National Technical University, Lutsk
Candidate of Agricultural Sciences (Ph.D.), Associate Professor
M. А. Fedoniuk, Lutsk National Technical University, Lutsk
Candidate of Geographical Sciences (Ph.D.), Associate Professor
N. S. Kovalchuk, National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne
Candidate of Agricultural Sciences (Ph.D.), Associate Professor