The article presents the materials of the SWOT-analysis of the Horodok Village Council and the assessment of the social, economic, and environmental spheres of the community by quantitative and qualitative indicators.
Indicators of weaknesses and threats to the development of the village council included: in the social sphere is excess of mortality over birth rate, insufficient development of education, medicine, culture, sports and engineering infrastructure (1.8 points); in the economic sphere is insufficient number of farms and agricultural processing enterprises, slow growth of small businesses, high unemployment, small percentage of the workforce (2.2 points); in the environmental sphere is unsatisfactory quality of drinking water, lack of centralized water supply and sewage, soil degradation and increased risks of air and agricultural pollution (1.7 points on a scale of 1 to 5).
The natural advantages, general advantages, unique advantages and opportunities for the development of the village council are listed, and the community development strategies are selected by creating conditions for the growth of living standards, creating a competitive efficient economy and environmentally safe settlements of the village council by improving the environmental situation in them. The article provides information on the choice of community development scenarios, namely: inertial, pessimistic, and optimistic. It is emphasized that these scenarios are formed on the basis of assumptions that the impact of external forces and internal factors on the development of the village council will remain unchanged for a long time.
The author formulates the strategic vision of Horodok village council as its transformation into a developed innovation-oriented, industrial-agrarian, economically secure settlement that meets the growing material and spiritual needs of the population, ensures the achievement of high social standards of community life, sustainable economic development, which ensures rational environmentally sound management and highly efficient and balanced use of natural resources, creation of favorable conditions for human health and conservation and reproduction of natural resources.
The content of three strategic goals is given, namely: ‘Development of human capital, high social standards’, which includes three operational objectives; ‘Economic development of the territory’, which includes four operational objectives; ‘Environmental safety of the territory’, which includes two operational objectives.
Author Biographies
M. O. Klymenko, National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne
Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor
О. М. Klymenko, National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne
Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor
A. Y. Yankovska, National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne