Animals of soil participate in most key ecosystem processes and functions. At the same time, anthropogenic interference in the ecosys-tem leads to a decrease or increase in the number of species or frequen-cy of their meeting, which further leads to the rAbstract
Animals of soil participate in most key ecosystem processes and functions. At the same time, anthropogenic interference in the ecosystem leads to a decrease or increase in the number of species or frequency of their meeting, which further leads to the restructuring of the biocenosis structure.The purpose of our research was to determine biomass and quantity of soil mesofauna of sub-regions of the south-eastern part of Volyn Polissya on sections of the forest with different levels of anthropogenic loading. Soil-zoological studies carried out by the method of manual dissolving of soil samples and further determination of the size of biomass and the average number of soil mesofauna. The soil temperature was determined at the site of the research. Soil moisture was determined after delivery of selected samples in the laboratory. All the definitions were performed in three-fold repetition and were subject to statistical processing. The works were carried out on plots of wood, which have one type of soil, cut wood, mainly pine breeds and leaf-wood of natural origin: Site №1 is located near the highway, where the area for picnics is equipped; site №2 is within the limits of the forest, which is not affected by anthropogenic loading; site №3 is the forest area in the first months after the medium intensity fire; site №4 is after the solid felling of forest. Research period – June 2021.In addition, we have noticed that the values of biomass and the number of soils mesofauna, although they differ on sections of the forest with different types of anthropogenic loading, but have no direct relation to the presence or absence of factors of anthropogenic press. In particular, the highest values of biomass of soil animals were characteristic for recreational area (3,78±0,41 g/m2) and area within the forest (2,25±0,71 g/m2), without anthropogenic loading. The analysis of the influence of temperature and moisture of soil on distribution of invertebrates testifies to absence of direct dependence between separately taken factors of hydrothermal regime. However, the joint action of these factors has an obvious influence both on the size of biomass (r=0,81; p=0,009) and on the number of animals (r=0,91; p=0,0004).References
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