hydroecosystem, man-made lake, urbanization, pollution, water quality, dissolved oxygen.Abstract
The article presents the water quality research results (hydrochemical parameters) in the artificial lake in Rivne, which is a part of the city «hydro park», during the ecological crysis phenomenon – the mass death of fish.In the past, the «hydro park» had a high recreational potential for active and passive rest of citizens: swimming, fishing, water sports. It also played a significant decorative role of urban space. But in recent years, the ecological condition of these water bodies has deteriorated, mainly due to the discharge of domestic wastewater in untreated form from the urban area. This threatens the continued safe functioning of their ecosystems and the loss of their recreational potential. And most importantly is a threat of adverse effects on the Ustya river surface waters quality (the main water artery of the Rivne), with which the lakes are connected.In September 2020 ecological situation, that caused population and authorities of the city concern, was observed in one of this man-made lakes. Instrumental determinations showed critically low levels of dissolved oxygen, and hydrochemical laboratory analysis revealed exceedances of maximum permissible concentrations of substances such as ammonium, ammonium nitrogen and phosphates. Studies of the ecosystem ecological state allowed us to draw conclusions about significant anthropogenic pollution by untreated domestic wastewater from of a man-made lake. Such conclusions were made on the basis of the established phase of the nitrification process. The inflow of a large amount of pollutants into the system of man-made lakes of the city «hydro park» has led to significant losses of ichthyofauna. Considerіng the fact that in recent years such situations have become recurrent, there is an urgent need to develop a system of compensatory measures aimed at restoring and stabilizing the ecosystems of man-made lakes in Rivne.References
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