якість питної води, децентралізовані джерела водопостачання, рівень ризику, моніторинг якості водиAbstract
The article examines the status of decentralized water supply in Rivne region. The conditions of formation of groundwater quality are studied and potential sources of their pollution are established. The main source of water supply in rural areas are mainly non-pressured groundwater horizons, confined to Quaternary sediments, which cover almost the entire territory of the region and are characterized by low water content and poor protection against pollution. The necessity of monitoring the groundwater status depending on the arising risks while providing the population of Rivne region with water from decentralized water supply sources. The results of potable water quality assessment from the sources of decentralized water supply for 1999– 2018 were presented. It was revealed that the non-compliance of potable water quality with regulatory requirements for sanitary and chemical indicators caused mainly by the excess of iron and nitrates. It should be noted that if the indicators of natural iron content are not critical, in terms of toxicological effects, the excess of nitrate content is quite dangerous, especially for kids of first years of life. The analysis of the research results showed that the non-compliance of potable water quality with the regulatory requirements from decentralized water supply sources was fixed in all districts of the region. The highest indicators of non-compliance of potable water quality in terms of sanitary and chemical indicators were observed in Rivne, Sarny, Kostopil, Dubrovytsa and Zdolbuniv districts. It was revealed that to solve the problems related to the provision of the population of Rivne region with water from decentralized water supply sources, it is necessary to rely on the results of groundwater monitoring, which includes monitoring and control of the most important factors affecting water quality. When developing a set of measures, it is necessary to take into account the natural features of water quality formation, the current environmental problems and the sanitary condition of water supply facilities in the regions of the area.References
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