ecological problems, social problems, iodine deficiency diseases, diabetes mellitus, thyroid gland, iodine, goiter, autoimmune mechanisms, hormonal insufficiency, genetic mechanisms.Abstract
The article shows that undesirable demographic trends negatively affect the processes of labor potential of the country, and quantitative and structural changes in the country are closely related to environmental problems, the level of economic development, social protection, health, education, and the main causes mortality of the population of Ukraine are diseases that are caused by environmental influences and social factors. The diseases of the circulatory system account for 61.5%, neoplasms – 12.8%, accidents, poisonings and injuries – 10.0%, respiratory diseases – 4.2% and digestive – 3.1%. There is a high rate of premature mortality among the working-age population, especially men. It is a consequence of an unhealthy lifestyle, poor nutrition, unfavorable working conditions, stress and social factors. Special studies indicate a close link between environmental changes and the development of thyroid pathology and diabetes. The medical aspects of human ecology, which study the impact of various factors on human health, his ability to work, duration and quality of life are of particular importance. There is a strong link between changes in the environment and the health of the population. The particularly significant negative impact of changes in the natural environment can be observed in relation to respiratory diseases, cancer, thyroid pathology and diabetes. The level of public health is becoming one of the main criteria for assessing the optimality of the socio-ecosystem, and the environmental parameters that provide it are decisive. The medical aspects of human ecology, which studies the impact of various factors on health, performance, duration and quality of life are of particular importance.As a result of the Chernobyl accident, the radiation of the thyroid gland was formed due to external and internal radiation.It has been established that endocrine pathology occurs due to disorders at one or more levels of organized endocrine function and is closely related to the influence of environmental and social factors. Iodine deficiency diseases are the most common and the range of these disorders includes infertility, miscarriage, stillbirth, congenital anomalies, goiter, mental disorders in children and adults. It has been proven that almost 30% of the world’s population lives in iodinedeficient regions. The total number of patients with endemic goiter ranges from 190 to 650 million, and patients with diabetes more than 420 million.Significant deterioration of the ecological situation together with the action of toxic substances (pesticides, nitrates, industrial and transport poisons), external radiation, psycho-emotional stress has led to a significant increase in both overall morbidity and autoimmune thyroiditis, hypothyroidism, mixed and nodular goiter, cancer. In the post-accident period at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, changes in endocrine organs depend on the dose, age and duration of irradiation.References
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