production of organic products, indicators, conformity assessment, transition period, certification, operator of organic production.Abstract
The levels of evaluation of the farm that plans to move to organic production of crop products are determined. Indicators for assessing farms that are certified to produce organic agricultural products in Ukraine, considering the anthropogenic impact on the agroecosystem.The sequence of actions on compliance of the farm with the current requirements for organic production of crop products has been established. Peculiarities of farm activity in the transition period to organic crop production are described.A farm that plans to switch to organic production of agricultural crop products must determine the compliance of all technological processes, technological equipment and substances used, in accordance with the requirements of applicable regulations. That is, to analyze the work of all existing sectors of production in the economy before submitting documents to the certification body.The article analyzes approaches to the evaluation of agricultural production of crop products in the world, found the levels of evaluation of the agricultural enterprise in the transition to organic production. Also, the constructed of an algorithm of actions for the agricultural enterprise to maximize support for the transition to organic production of crop products.Suggested the assessment of the agricultural enterprise at 3 levels, which will allow to comprehensively determine whether the farm meets the rules and regulations of organic production of crop products.At the level of assessment of the territory adjacent to the farm will eliminate the negative impact of direct and indirect anthropogenic impact on organic crop products. The use of indicators presented in the study will consider the impact of all elements of the environment on the farm. The ecological condition of the farm and the adjacent territory is extremely important, as one of the tasks of organic production is to improve the ecological situation in the regions.The level of farm assessment involves establishing the compliance of soils (by agrophysical, agrochemical indicators and the content of pollutants) and the obtained agricultural crop products to the requirements of organic production.The level of assessment of technological processes of the farm for compliance with the requirements of organic production of crop products should be carried out by the physical and geographical location of the farm, specialization of crops, availability of technical means of production, etc.Direct sampling of soil and products is especially important for establishing the compliance of a crop producer with the requirements of organic production. Sampling of soil, water, air, and crop products should be carried out only by non-interested persons in accordance with the methods, as well as laboratory tests should be carried out in accredited laboratoriesReferences
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