
  • Nataliya Voznіuk National University of Water and Environmental Engineering
  • Zoriana Sobko

Ключові слова:

agroclimatic zoning, agroclimatic resources, agroclimatic conditions, plant growing4 animal husbandry, climate change


The article deals with the agroclimatic zoning of the Rivne region, which is divided into northern and southern parts. The northern part of the region actually belongs to the Polissia area, and the southern part is the forest-steppe zone. In the article are described the characteristics of agro-climatic regions, and the specifics of the plant and animal productions are investigated. Also the results of researching of changes in meteorological and meteorological indexes are presented in this paper. Thus, it is established that the territory of the Rivne region, like most of Ukraine and the world territory, is exposed to climate change caused by global warming. The reorientation of agricultural production in the Rivne region due to climate change is revealed.

Біографії авторів

Nataliya Voznіuk, National University of Water and Environmental Engineering

Candidate of Agricultural Sciences (Ph.D.), AssociateProfessor

Zoriana Sobko

Post-graduate Student


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