woody plants, phytosanitary state, inventory, leaves plates, growth, street plantingsAbstract
The article stated that the monitoring of green spaces have important environmental, sanitary, aesthetic and other values. Inventory of the central part of Khmelnytsky city showed a slight diversity of plants in their species composition, the lack of scientific approach in the selection of their assortment. Analyzed the phytosanitary condition of street plantations determined that some of the plants has damage of the trunk, a partial crown dieback, inhibition of plant growth, browning and blackening, drying and falling leaves. Leaves plates of almost every fifth plant has disease of fungal and bacterial origin. The most affected are plants horse chestnut and Linden serdtselistnaya. It is established that the phytosanitary condition of street plantings is not the same. Mainly in good and satisfactory condition observed plants communities on the streets where there is no intensive traffic and no industrial facilities. To improve the phytosanitary status of street tree plantings of Khmelnytsky city recommended to perform rejuvenating and sanitary pruning, diversity of plant species, which passed through several years of testing and acclimatization to local conditions.References
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