
  • Є. В. Ярмоленко State Institution «Soils Protection Institute of Ukraine»
  • М. К. Глущенко State Institution «Soils Protection Institute of Ukraine»
  • В. С. Запасний State Institution «Soils Protection Institute of Ukraine»
  • Т. І. Хмара State Institution «Soils Protection Institute of Ukraine»
  • Г. Д. Крупко Rivne Branch of State Institution «Soils Protection Institute of Ukraine»


soil, humus balance, positive balance, negative, deficient, organic matter, mineralization, plant residues, sideration


The article highlights the current state of humus balance in the soiland the reasons for its negative balance.The humus balance has been analyzed for three years (2013-2015) and it has been established that the humus balance in the soil of the country remains negative, that is, it is lost much more than it is formed. So, in 2013, in the soils of Ukraine, 19084,5 thousand tons or 1,11 tons/ha of humus were formed, while 21338,7 thousand tons or 1,24 tons/ha were lost. The balance of humus amounted to 2254,3 thousand tons, or – 0,13 t/ha. In 2014, 20307,5 thousand tons were created, or 1,08 tons/ha, lost 24163,5 thousand tons, or 1,28 tons/ha, and the humus balance was 3856,0 thousand tons or - 0,2 t/ha. In 2015, 20817,8 thousand tons were created, or 1,14 tons/hectare, lost 23125,1 thousand tons or 1,27 tons/ha, and the humus balance is – 2307,3 thousand tons, or – 0,13  t/ha. This is less than last year by 0,07 t/ha. But the reduction of the humus deficit in 2015 by 2014 was due to the increase in the number of fallen and root stocks, which is associated with an increase in the yield of the main crops. The humus soil condition and ways of ensuring the reduction of humus losses through the application of a complex of agronomic measures in agriculture and the creation of a deficit-free humus balance in Ukraine's soils have been studied.


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